Bollywood is set to witness two marriages Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, and Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopras. While the former has immense buzz in India, the latter is being spoken about on a global scale for obvious reasons.
In fact if The Blast is to be believed, then Nickyanka, who were in USA recently, have already registered their marriage licence.
A source told the portal that the couple visited Beverly Hills Courthouse last week to fill out their paperwork for a marriage license.
They add, The couple plans on bringing the license with them to India for their wedding in December and then eventually filing the license in the U.S. to make the marriage official in both countries.
PeeCee recently flew back to India post her Bachelorette party with sisters Parineeti Chopra and Sophie Turner and a few more friends.
The Nickyanka wedding preparations are set to begin from November 30th and go on till the year end, thus giving this year a memorable end like what Virushka wedding did last year. |